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This is a copy and paste of app_rpt.c source code beginning comments. It is reproduced here as I find myself needing easy access to these when modify Allstar configuration.

 * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2014, Jim Dixon, WB6NIL
 * Jim Dixon, WB6NIL <>
 * Serious contributions by Steve RoDgers, WA6ZFT <>
 * See for more information about
 * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
 * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
 * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
 * channels for your use.
 * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
 * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
 * at the top of the source tree.
 * -------------------------------------
 * Notes on app_rpt.c
 * -------------------------------------
 * By: Stacy Olivas, KG7QIN <> - 20 March 2017
 * This application, the heart of the AllStar network and using asterisk as a repeater,
 * is largely undocumented code.  It uses a multi-threaded approach to fulfilling its functions
 * and can be quite a chore to follow for debugging.
 * The entry point in the code , rpt_exec, is called by the main pbx call handing routine.
 * The code handles the initial setup and then passes the call/connection off to
 * the threaded routines, which do the actual work <behind the scenes> of keeping multiple
 * connections open, passing telemetry, etc.  rpt_master handles the management of the threaded
 * routines used (rpt_master_thread is the p_thread structure).
 * Having gone through this code during an attempt at porting to this Asterisk 1.8, I recommend
 * that anyone who is serious about trying to understand this code, to liberally sprinkle
 * debugging statements throughout it and run it.  The program flow may surprise you.
 * Note that due changes in later versions of asterisk, you cannot simply drop this module into
 * the build tree and expect it to work.  There has been some significant renaming of
 * key variables and structures between 1.4 and later versions of Asterisk.  Additionally,
 * the changes to how the pbx module passes calls off to applications has changed as well,
 * which causes app_rpt to fail without a modification of the base Asterisk code in these
 * later versions.
 * --------------------------------------
/*! \file
 * \brief Radio Repeater / Remote Base program
 *  version 0.332 11/30/2019
 * \author Jim Dixon, WB6NIL <>
 * \note Serious contributions by Steve RoDgers, WA6ZFT <>
 * \note contributions by Steven Henke, W9SH, <>
 * \note contributions by Mike Zingman, N4IRR
 * \note contributions by Steve Zingman, N4IRS
 * \note Allison ducking code by W9SH
 * \ported by Adam KC1KCC
 * \ported by Mike N4IRR
 * See
 * Repeater / Remote Functions:
 * "Simple" Mode:  * - autopatch access, # - autopatch hangup
 * Normal mode:
 * See the function list in rpt.conf (autopatchup, autopatchdn)
 * autopatchup can optionally take comma delimited setting=value pairs:
 * context=string		:	Override default context with "string"
 * dialtime=ms			:	Specify the max number of milliseconds between phone number digits (1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
 * farenddisconnect=1		:	Automatically disconnect when called party hangs up
 * noct=1			:	Don't send repeater courtesy tone during autopatch calls
 * quiet=1			:	Don't send dial tone, or connect messages. Do not send patch down message when called party hangs up
 * Example: 123=autopatchup,dialtime=20000,noct=1,farenddisconnect=1
 *  To send an asterisk (*) while dialing or talking on phone,
 *  use the autopatch acess code.
 * status cmds:
 *  1 - Force ID (global)
 *  2 - Give Time of Day (global)
 *  3 - Give software Version (global)
 *  4 - Give GPS location info
 *  5 - Last (dtmf) user
 *  11 - Force ID (local only)
 *  12 - Give Time of Day (local only)
 * cop (control operator) cmds:
 *  1 - System warm boot
 *  2 - System enable
 *  3 - System disable
 *  4 - Test Tone On/Off
 *  5 - Dump System Variables on Console (debug)
 *  6 - PTT (phone mode only)
 *  7 - Time out timer enable
 *  8 - Time out timer disable
 *  9 - Autopatch enable
 *  10 - Autopatch disable
 *  11 - Link enable
 *  12 - Link disable
 *  13 - Query System State
 *  14 - Change System State
 *  15 - Scheduler Enable
 *  16 - Scheduler Disable
 *  17 - User functions (time, id, etc) enable
 *  18 - User functions (time, id, etc) disable
 *  19 - Select alternate hang timer
 *  20 - Select standard hang timer 
 *  21 - Enable Parrot Mode
 *  22 - Disable Parrot Mode
 *  23 - Birdbath (Current Parrot Cleanup/Flush)
 *  24 - Flush all telemetry
 *  25 - Query last node un-keyed
 *  26 - Query all nodes keyed/unkeyed
 *  27 - Reset DAQ minimum on a pin
 *  28 - Reset DAQ maximum on a pin
 *  30 - Recall Memory Setting in Attached Xcvr
 *  31 - Channel Selector for Parallel Programmed Xcvr
 *  32 - Touchtone pad test: command + Digit string + # to playback all digits pressed
 *  33 - Local Telemetry Output Enable
 *  34 - Local Telemetry Output Disable
 *  35 - Local Telemetry Output on Demand
 *  36 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Enable
 *  37 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Disable
 *  38 - Foreign Link Local Output Path Follows Local Telemetry
 *  39 - Foreign Link Local Output Path on Demand
 *  42 - Echolink announce node # only
 *  43 - Echolink announce node Callsign only
 *  44 - Echolink announce node # & Callsign
 *  45 - Link Activity timer enable
 *  46 - Link Activity timer disable
 *  47 - Reset "Link Config Changed" Flag 
 *  48 - Send Page Tone (Tone specs separated by parenthesis)
 *  49 - Disable incoming connections (control state noice)
 *  50 - Enable incoming connections (control state noicd)
 *  51 - Enable sleep mode
 *  52 - Disable sleep mode
 *  53 - Wake up from sleep
 *  54 - Go to sleep
 *  55 - Parrot Once if parrot mode is disabled
 *  56 - Rx CTCSS Enable
 *  57 - Rx CTCSS Disable
 *  58 - Tx CTCSS On Input only Enable
 *  59 - Tx CTCSS On Input only Disable
 *  60 - Send MDC-1200 Burst (cop,60,type,UnitID[,DestID,SubCode])
 *     Type is 'I' for PttID, 'E' for Emergency, and 'C' for Call 
 *     (SelCall or Alert), or 'SX' for STS (ststus), where X is 0-F.
 *     DestID and subcode are only specified for  the 'C' type message.
 *     UnitID is the local systems UnitID. DestID is the MDC1200 ID of
 *     the radio being called, and the subcodes are as follows: 
 *          Subcode '8205' is Voice Selective Call for Spectra ('Call')
 *          Subcode '8015' is Voice Selective Call for Maxtrac ('SC') or
 *             Astro-Saber('Call')
 *          Subcode '810D' is Call Alert (like Maxtrac 'CA')
 *  61 - Send Message to USB to control GPIO pins (cop,61,GPIO1:0[,GPIO4:1].....)
 *  62 - Send Message to USB to control GPIO pins, quietly (cop,62,GPIO1:0[,GPIO4:1].....)
 *  63 - Send pre-configred APRSTT notification (cop,63,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR])
 *  64 - Send pre-configred APRSTT notification, quietly (cop,64,CALL[,OVERLAYCHR]) 
 *  65 - Send POCSAG page (equipped channel types only)
 * ilink cmds:
 *  1 - Disconnect specified link
 *  2 - Connect specified link -- monitor only
 *  3 - Connect specified link -- tranceive
 *  4 - Enter command mode on specified link
 *  5 - System status
 *  6 - Disconnect all links
 *  7 - Last Node to Key Up
 *  8 - Connect specified link -- local monitor only
 *  9 - Send Text Message (9,<destnodeno or 0 (for all)>,Message Text, etc.
 *  10 - Disconnect all RANGER links (except permalinks)
 *  11 - Disconnect a previously permanently connected link
 *  12 - Permanently connect specified link -- monitor only
 *  13 - Permanently connect specified link -- tranceive
 *  15 - Full system status (all nodes)
 *  16 - Reconnect links disconnected with "disconnect all links"
 *  17 - MDC test (for diag purposes)
 *  18 - Permanently Connect specified link -- local monitor only

 *  200 thru 215 - (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)
 * remote cmds:
 *  1 - Recall Memory MM  (*000-*099) (Gets memory from rpt.conf)
 *  2 - Set VFO MMMMM*KKK*O   (Mhz digits, Khz digits, Offset)
 *  3 - Set Rx PL Tone HHH*D*
 *  4 - Set Tx PL Tone HHH*D* (Not currently implemented with DHE RBI-1)
 *  5 - Link Status (long)
 *  6 - Set operating mode M (FM, USB, LSB, AM, etc)
 *  100 - RX PL off (Default)
 *  101 - RX PL On
 *  102 - TX PL Off (Default)
 *  103 - TX PL On
 *  104 - Low Power
 *  105 - Med Power
 *  106 - Hi Power
 *  107 - Bump Down 20 Hz
 *  108 - Bump Down 100 Hz
 *  109 - Bump Down 500 Hz
 *  110 - Bump Up 20 Hz
 *  111 - Bump Up 100 Hz
 *  112 - Bump Up 500 Hz
 *  113 - Scan Down Slow
 *  114 - Scan Down Medium
 *  115 - Scan Down Fast
 *  116 - Scan Up Slow
 *  117 - Scan Up Medium
 *  118 - Scan Up Fast
 *  119 - Transmit allowing auto-tune
 *  140 - Link Status (brief)
 *  200 thru 215 - (Send DTMF 0-9,*,#,A-D) (200=0, 201=1, 210=*, etc)
 * playback cmds:
 *  specify the name of the file to be played globally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)
 * localplay cmds:
 * specify the name of the file to be played locally (for example, 25=rpt/foo)
 * 'duplex' modes:  (defaults to duplex=2)
 * 0 - Only remote links key Tx and no main repeat audio.
 * 1 - Everything other then main Rx keys Tx, no main repeat audio.
 * 2 - Normal mode
 * 3 - Normal except no main repeat audio.
 * 4 - Normal except no main repeat audio during autopatch only
 * "events" subsystem:
 * in the "events" section of the rpt.conf file (if any), the user may 
 * specify actions to take place when ceratin events occur. 
 * It is implemented as acripting, based heavily upon expression evaluation built
 * into Asterisk. Each line of the section contains an action, a type, and variable info.
 * Each line either sets a variable, or executes an action based on a transitional state
 * of a specified (already defined) variable (such as going true, going false, no change, 
 * or getting set initially).
 * The syntax for each line is as follows:
 * action-spec = action|type|var-spec
 * if action is 'V' (for "setting variable"), then action-spec is the variable being set.
 * if action is 'G' (for "setting global variable"), then action-spec is the global variable being set.
 * if action is 'F' (for "function"), then action-spec is a DTMF function to be executed (if result is 1).
 * if action is 'C' (for "rpt command"), then action-spec is a raw rpt command to be executed (if result is 1).
 * if action is 'S' (for "shell command"), then action-spec is a shell command to be executed (if result is 1).
 * if type is 'E' (for "evaluate statement" (or perhaps "equals") ) then the var-spec is a full statement containing
 *    expressions, variables and operators per the expression evaluation built into Asterisk.
 * if type is 'T' (for "going True"), var-spec is a single (already-defined) variable name, and the result will be 1
 *    if the varible has just gone from 0 to 1.
 * if type is 'F' (for "going False"), var-spec is a single (already-defined) variable name, and the result will be 1
 *    if the varible has just gone from 1 to 0.
 * if type is 'N' (for "no change"), var-spec is a single (already-defined) variable name, and the result will be 1
 *    if the varible has not changed.
 * "RANGER" mode configuration:
 * in the node stanza in rpt.conf ONLY the following need be specified for a RANGER node:
 * [90101]
 * rxchannel=Radio/usb90101
 * functions=rangerfunctions
 * litzcmd=*32008
 * This example given would be for node "90101" (note ALL RANGER nodes MUST begin with '9'.
 * litzcmd specifes the function that LiTZ inititiates to cause a connection
 * "rangerfunctions" in this example, is a function stanza that AT LEAST has the *3 command
 * to connect to another node