Scheduler (ASL System)

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ASL SYSTEM Scheduler

Not to be confused with the system CRON, the system scheduler is owned and controlled by ASL/app_rpt

To schedule anything, you should first declare what it is you want to do by making a MACRO for it in rpt.conf

For the system scheduler can 'ONLY' trigger a 'MACRO'. So, you first must create or pick a macro to run.

Setting-Up the system scheduler

Multiple entries by line(s) in the following format that contains 5 time fields plus the macro#:

(macro# to run when true)= (MM) (HH) (DayOfMonth) (MonthOfYear) (DayOfWeek) each separated by a space

For day of week, Sun starts as 0 (zero) and add one for each later dow as Saturday is 6.

Any item that is all inclusive or 'don't matter/every' can be set with a star ' * ' as a wildcard.

There must be 5 time/day entries, STAR included.


1=00 06 * * *  ;(run macro 1 at the 6th hour of any day)

51=05 * * * * ;update wx fcst at 05min every hour every day

91=40 3 * * *  ;/tmp cleanup script every 12hrs 3:40a

92=40 15 * * *  ;/tmp cleanup script every 12hrs 15:40p

93=59 23 * * *  ; archive logs daily at 59th min of only the 23rd hour every day.

94=59 20 * * 5  ; start net links at 8:59 on Friday

99=00 18 25 12 *  ; merry xmas announcement 6pm dec 25

Enable / Disable

There are COP commands for turning the scheduler on and off set in rpt.conf

xxx=cop,15 ; Scheduler enable

xxx=cop,16 ; Scheduler disable

There is also a setting in control_states if you want to set this in a personality profile.



Or a command line:

rpt fun skdis xxxxx

rpt fun skena xxxxx


When the TIME / DATE statement is true, the selected macro will be run once only until true again.

You should create comments on each line to remember what it is for in the case you need to make adjustments later.