APT-GET Package pending for ASL1.10
Allmon is a web site for managing one or more app_rpt (aka Allstar) nodes. Each managed local node shows a list of connected nodes. The list is sorted in reverse order of the most recently received node. So the last node to talk is always at the top of the list. Any node that is currently being received will be highlighted by a green background as well as moving to the top of the list. The node list is updated once a second giving near- real-time status. Nodes may be grouped together when configuring Allmon. Groups enable two or mode nodes to be displayed on the same page. This can be handy if you use devices with smaller screens or you want to see a couple of your nodes at the same time. Don't try to display more than a few per group as performance will suffer. Logged in users can perform connect and disconnects. Users are maintained with the Apache htpasswd utility. There is only one login level, admin. Allmon will also monitor VOTER clients. Each VOTER instance displays a list attached Radio Thin Client Modules (RTCM). The RSSI for each RTCM is displayed in bar graph style along with a color to indicate the currently voted RTCM.
The full original text of installation instruction is available where the source code resides.
Note that you will also need to install Apache or lighttpd(small memory footprint version for a Pi), and PHP to make it work on the web as a prerequisite if not already installed. Those instructions can change with subsequent updates/releases so check the web for current instruction for them.
The first thing to do is to log on your node as user 'repeater' command line, you can log in with a keyboard and monitor or using SSH as in the initial node setup.
Once you are there you have to type the following commands:
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo apt install git repeater@repeater:~$ sudo git clone /var/www/html/allmon2 repeater@repeater:~$ cd /var/www/html/allmon2 repeater@repeater:~$ sudo mv allmon.ini.txt allmon.ini.php repeater@repeater:~$ sudo mv controlpanel.ini.txt controlpanel.ini.php
Now you have to edit the allmon.ini.php file
repeater@repeater:~$ sudo nano allmon.ini.php
- Change: the '500' number [500] to your node number.
- Change: host=
- Change: passwd=yourpassword
- Note: 'llcgi' is the default password according to the initial node setup. However look at 'secret = xxxxx' in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf to be sure of the correct password.
- Change: menu=yes
After making your changes type <CTRL> + <X> and then type <Y> followed by <Enter>. You will be back to the previous menu and choose <Back>.
Example almond.ini.php with node(s) listed under a menu item. In this example named MySites.
[1234] system=MySites host= user=admin passwd=yourpassword nomenu=yes [1234 My Node] system=MySites nodes=1234 [1234 My Node RTCM] system=MySites rtcmnode=1234 [1235] system=MySites host= user=admin passwd=yourpassword nomenu=yes [1235 Another Node] system=MySites nodes=2510
Password to Enable Buttons and Control Panel
While in the /var/www/html/allmon2 directory
repeater@repeater:~$ htpasswd -cB .htpasswd admin repeater@repeater:~$ chmod 777 astdb.php
Note: don't use an exclamation mark in the .htpasswd password.
Setup Database/DB file
On initial install, you will need to manually create the file which has a PHP script to run and do it for you.
From inside the active Allmon directory at the command line,
as root or
sudo ./astdb.php
To keep it up to date, you need to run that command from the system cron or crontab. Once a day is suggested. Adjust location as needed.
Test and Use
Using your web browser go to:
Note: 192.168.x.x is your nodes IP.
There you can login with the user 'admin' and your password 'yourpassword' or remember default password is 'llcgi'.
Lighttpd Notes
If you are using Lighttpd, you must modify your configuration to work with Allmon2.
Add = 2
to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and restart lighttpd.