
From AllStarLink Wiki
Revision as of 21:33, 29 June 2024 by N8EI (talk | contribs)
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Legacy Version - This page is about a legacy version of AllStarLink. See

Infrastructure / Web Portal

We're currently looking for volunteers to contribute to the ever growing ASL infrastructure. If you feel you can help out in any way, please contact

Some technologies we use:

  • Asterisk
  • C/C++
  • mySQL
  • Redis
  • Front End HTML/JS
  • PHP7, VueJS, Laravel 7
  • Docker
  • Javascript / NodeJS
  • Google Cloud Compute
  • Linux
  • Perl (not for new use)
  • Python
  • Docker
  • Technical Writers / Documentation Writers

ASL Linux Distribution

Our next release is currently in beta, and all contributions are welcome.


  • Fork the repository
  • Create a feature branch, such as "fix-problem-x-y-z"
  • Create a pull request for your feature branch against the 'develop' branch
  • If your pull request is accepted, your change will be merged.
  • All copyrights should be assigned to AllStarLink, Inc. This ensures that any disputes over copyrighted code can be resolved through our non-profit.
(C) 2018-2023 AllStarLink Inc.

Contributing to the AllStar Client Github Repository

Like any open source project, AllStarLink's Github repo has a few basic rules regarding contributions.

  1. Create an issue detailing the enhancement or bug in the ASL-Asterisk Gihub Repository issue tracker. If you will be submitting a pull request, assign the issue to yourself. The repository maintainers and users will use this issue to comment on the proposed enhancement or bug.
  2. Make sure that you make a pull request on the relevant development branch. (Currently develop)
  3. Do annotate your changes so that they are easily understood when reviewed.
  4. Your code submission must follow the Asterisk Coding Guidelines. All submissions will go through code review by the repository maintainers.
  5. Do ensure that if your submission contains work from or based on other projects, that you have clearly identified this work, provided a link to the source material, and ensured that the license is compatible with the GNU GPL v2.
  6. Do ask questions on the community page before submitting a pull request. Reviews are appreciated as well.
  7. Do not claim credit or ownership for code that is not yours.
  8. All copyrights should be assigned to AllStarLink, Inc. This ensures that any disputes over copyrighted code can be resolved through our non-profit.
(C) 2018-2023 AllStarLink Inc.