Scheduler (ASL System)
ASL SYSTEM Scheduler
Not to be confused with the system CRON, the system schedular is owned and controlled by ASL/app_rpt
To schedule anything, you should first declare what it is what you want to do by making a MACRO for it in rpt.conf
Setting-Up the system schedular
Multiple entries by line(s) in the following format:
(macro to run when true)= (MM) (HH) (DayOfMonth) (MonthOfYear) (DayOfWeek)
For day of week, Sun starts as 0 (zero) and add one for each later dow as Saturday is 6.
Any item that is all inclusive or 'don't matter/every' can be set with a star ' * ' as a wildcard.
1=00 06 * * * ;(run macro 1 at the 6th hour of any day)
51=05 * * * * ;update wx fcst at 05min every hour every day
91=40 3 * * * ;/tmp cleanup script every 12hrs 3:40a 92=40 15 * * * ;/tmp cleanup script every 12hrs 15:40p
93=59 23 * * * ; archive logs daily at 59th min of only the 23rd hour every day.
94=59 20 * * 5 ; start net links at 8:59 on Friday
99=00 18 25 12 * ; merry xmas announcement 6pm dec 25
When the TIME / DATE statement is true, the selected macro will be run once only until true again.