Permanent Node Connection
The following information will make your connection to another AllStarLink node persistent (permanent). Permanent connects survive network outages and far end reboots. However they do not automatically reconnect when commanded to disconnect by either end.
The following commands should already exist in ASL 2.0 rpt.conf file under your [functions] stanza:
; Permanent link 81=ilink,11 ; Permanent link disconnect 82=ilink,12 ; Permanent link receive 83=ilink,13 ; Permanent link transcieve
In other words a *83nnnnn touch tone command will permanent connect your node to the node number represented by nnnnn.
If you would like a permanent connect automatically when your node boots you need a startup_macro. For example, under your node stanza (i.e., [XXXXX] where XXXX = your node number), usually near the end your will find a commented blank startup_macro= line. Uncomment it (or add):
Where NNNNN is the node you wish to automatically connect.
Reload/restart your system and it will auto connect to the node you specified above.